There's nothing I hate more than when my days start to feel cyclic but I find myself in this predicament more often than I'd like to admit. I'll find myself completely paralyzed by the responsibility salad. I have so many things I want to do with my life. I refuse to look back on my life in 10 years and wonder why I didn't just do the things I wanted to do. I've been saying for years that I want to learn Spanish. I took 2 years of Spanish in middle school and only retained the words "ventana/window" and "sacapuntas/pencil sharpener". I spent a month in Costa Rica and have gotten better at guessing what is being said but if I were to be asked what words I specifically learned and I were to answer truthfully, I only learned how to say a few ocean terms like cangrejo, tortuga, playa, etc.
There's an endless list of things I need to try in my life and it doesn't have to be a future plan. What's stopping me from doing them now? With my obsession with self discipline in mind, I felt it would be perfect to fill a jar with 12 habits I want to try for each month of 2022 and to draw a habit at the beginning of every month. Keeping what habits I try a "surprise" but predictable enough (since I made it myself and I know what's inside) makes this a low stress high reward activity.
I'll be posting exclusive updates here with photos, videos, and a detailed dive into my experience with this personal experiment.
At the end of this year I'll at least be 12 times cooler than I was last year ;) mark my words friends
To add some spice to the jar, I ordered an old CareBear plush off of ebay for 99 cents, cut the head off, removed some stuffing, stuck the jar in, and glued some things. I attached a link to a TikTok I did where I made the jar.